Our Preschool


Welcome to a preschool with heart

It’s my pleasure to welcome you to St Nics’ Christian Preschool!

If you’re a parent looking for the right preschool for your child, it’s possible you’re feeling overwhelmed, or a little confused. Never fear! We’re here to help you out.

The good news is that there are very few ‘bad’ preschools in Sydney! But there are definitely preschools that stand out. They’re the ones with a strong sense of community beyond the classroom, a deep care for every child as an individual, and a passion for helping children grow into the child they were made to be.

They’re preschools with heart.

We like to say that we’ve got a heart for our community, our children, and our God. We say it because we think it’s true.

On this page, you’ll find all the essential info you need to know about St Nics’ Christian Preschool, and you can find out more about our story and our educational programs.

Contact us to ask a question or book a tour. We’d love to meet you!

Lucena Neal, Director

Essential information

  • We're local

    We are an independent Anglican preschool located in the heart of Coogee, one block from Coogee Beach.

  • We're waiting

    We welcome children aged 2-5 years, and operate from 7.30am - 6pm Monday to Friday, 50 weeks a year.

  • Healthy and delicious

    Daily meals are prepared by our on-site chef, who develops a delicious and nutritious variety of meals for children to enjoy, free from refined sugar and excessively processed foods — and even uses vegetables from our own garden.

  • Passionate and professional

    Our dedicated and professional staff are employed full-time to make children comfortable and give you peace of mind.

  • In the community

    We love our community, and take regular excursions to the post office, local cafes, the beach, and visit St Nicolas Anglican Church once a week for our preschool Chapel.

  • Connected

    Parents keep in the loop about their children’s adventures each day through our OWNA app.

World-class learning environments

With an indoor-outdoor program that encourages organic play-based learning, children at St Nics’ Christian Preschool learn more about their world every day. Learning across two stunning purpose-built classrooms, children learn in a variety of enriching learning environments: our home corner and library, plus creative arts, construction and small-world play, and fundamental movement areas, in addition to indoor spaces for music and drama, group time.

The Smartie Room

Children aged 2-3 years old love joining the Smartie Room everyday. In this easy-access classroom, children engage in a play-based education program that scaffolds learning along foundational social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills.


The Cookie Room

Children aged 4-5 years old are part of the Cookie Room, located in our upstairs space. Here, children engage in exciting and innovative programs that prepare them for the rest of their educational lives. In this room, play-based inquiry continues as preschoolers participate in a top school readiness program.


The Outdoor Area

A bright and multi-tactile outdoor environment is the perfect space for preschoolers to learn and play in a safe environment. The area features a sandpit, riverbed, grass and softfall, as well as a garden brimming with native plants to care for and taste, and a bamboo tunnel, shaded play space, cubby house and slide. We’re a SunSafe community, and children wear sunscreen during the hot periods of the day.

“Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

Our philosophy


Our philosophy acts as a foundation for our practice at St Nics’ Christian Preschool. It outlines how we seek to interact with our children, families, community and environment, curriculum and staff.



We seek to develop a strong sense of Belonging for all children through a nurturing, safe and positive environment where respectful connections are promoted between families, educators, and the wider St Nicolas’ Church community.

We recognise that early childhood is a time filled with joy and wonder, and a key moment when children develop a sense of Being. We deeply respect the many aspects of children’s play and value the way play nourishes every aspect of children’s development — not just in preparation for the future but to engage with the joy, complexities and challenges of the here and now.

We believe each child to be uniquely designed by God, each with their unique identity, knowledge, understandings, capabilities, skills and relationships. We understand that these change rapidly as children grow and as they are Becoming the person God designed them to be.


Families are a child’s first and most influential teacher, and are an integral part of a child’s learning journey.

In alignment with the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, our educators listen to and learn with families and engage in shared decision-making, planning and assessment practices in relation to children’s learning, development and wellbeing.

We value family contributions and involvement in our program, knowing they have a wealth of knowledge, culture and expertise to share with our community and each other.

Genuine partnerships with families, based on open communication and collaborative decision-making, is vital.

Community and Environment

We work to build positive and meaningful relationships with our local community and engage in collaborative partnerships with St Nicolas’ Anglican Church. Through this relationship, we promote Jesus’ love and generosity by supporting organisations such as Anglicare seeking to support the most poor and vulnerable in our community.

We acknowledge God as our creator and the creator of our world and believe all children benefit from exploring and connecting with God's creation. This belief underpins our all-weather outdoor-play program and is driven by children’s interests and needs.

Our educators and children continue to explore the concept of environmental responsibilities to gain a deeper understanding and respect for our resources, the environment and for sustainable practices.


We implement a play-based learning program based on the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework, allowing each child’s learning and development to be enhanced through a variety of enriching and challenging learning experiences.

Aligning with The National Quality Standard each child’s current knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests form the foundation of our educational program.

Our holistic school readiness program supports the development of confidence and independence skills that children need prior to starting school. We focus on independence skills, the social and emotional self, following routines, teaching respect, and academic skills.

Our Christian beliefs underpin everything that we do, and are reflected through our sharing of Bible stories, prayer, chapel services and singing songs. We seek to guide children to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled (Galatians 6:15). The Hello God program forms the foundation of our Christian curriculum, designed for preschool-aged children.


Our staff are experienced, professional and diverse, and reflect the Christian values of our preschool. Prioritising ongoing professional development, our staff continue to grow as educators and work to ensure that our service operates in line with the National Quality Standards, as well as Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations, National Quality Standard, Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services, Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, and the Early Years Learning Framework.

Would it be possible to have a short quote here from a staff member (perhaps not lucena) about how much they love working at SNCP?

Name here